Friday, June 09, 2006

Same Old Shit Dog Just A Different Day

Okay, I talked to an old acquaintance today and talking to him did nothing but pull up a whole lot of old drama from my past. His first text was informing me that Maize & Blue will now be playing for the Patriots with him :-( next was just throwing a whole lot of shit from my past in my face. I am sure Maize & Blue has a mouth full of bullshit to tell everyone, but the fact will remain that I treated him like gold and in turn he treated me like shit! So, I ended it!

It seems like my old acquaintance has a problem with how I cut him out of my life and says that I have a behavior and reputation of doing this with many people. I come of as very conceited and hold my self in too high of an esteem? You got to be kidding me? So what the fuck am I supposed to do, let someone run over me & continue to lay there while they shift to reverse? My thoughts are that if someone does me wrong I am not going to give them the chance to do it again! I am cutting them off and they are dead to me! Secondly, yes I do think very highly of myself but I also hold others in highER esteem than I.

In the last five years of my life there is one thing that I am certain of, no matter what you do or say someone is going to have a problem with you. You can be the most pleasant and pure person in the world, yet someone will find fault in what you are doing. One has to be a fool to think I am going to speak to them when we aren't cool.... WHAT FOR YOU FUCKING IDIOT! One has to be even more foolish to believe just because MANY people say the same thing about me- that it's true. Even if I do to you what many say I do to them, it's still not true. If I had a nickel for every rekindled friendship that was bruised by someone taking something the wrong way. Just last Saturday ANOTHER female told me that she wished we had been friends sooner and that she should not have listened to a "certain" persons image of me.

I am very comfortable in my skin right now. I know who I am, I know who I want to become, and I know the roads I have to take to get there. I am not worried with the people I have fallen out with I am only concerned with the people I am friends with. I am not concerned with old niggas "I" broke up with(i.e. Maize & Blue), I am only concerned with ATL.

People, continue to bad mouth me- those who are real can see right through that. If I am so conceited, if I am such a bitch, if I am all these negative things- why do so many people continue to befriend me, why do so many people come to me for advice, and the most important question you should ask yourself is, why do you think and talk about me so much? Grow up!

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