Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A Day Late- Dollar Short!

Good things come to those who wait. I waited waited waited- then I gave up. Now by "some" circumstances not certain to myself, he seems to be acting right? Even though I still like him so, I didn't get his "call" until AFTER I had already moved on- or, moved backwards rather. After a five month hiatus I am talking back to Polaris. Things seems DIFFERENT this time, as they always do in the beginning- but I am definitely interested to see where this is going.

Polaris is my type of nigga by far... while the man who is "late" was NEVER my type. My girl Nikeya was telling me the other day that maybe I need to venture outside of the men I usually deal with, then maybe I will find the one for me? I gave it a couple tries- & men are all the same whether they are my type or not. So, now I am just going to go with the flow. It's summer, I start classes in six days, I have an interview for a second job on Thursday and I want to start studying for my LSATs ASAP!. I've began writing a new chapter with an old friend and though I have liked and given up on a certain man- I am leaving my options open. NFL will be in CO on Sunday, ATL is buying my ticket to Mexico here shortly- so I don't know what the future holds. I can say one thing- Polaris was right on time and if he opens my heart again- all these "other factors" can forget about it, because they are a day late dollar short!

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