Sunday, June 18, 2006


I'm supposed to stop but I can't!

Man, it's official, I think I need to quit drinking for real! From here on out Social Drinking only on special occasions. Well, no- not even then seeing that I partied from 3pm-3am celebrating my friend Nikeya's Son's first birthday, Felicia's 24th & Scott's 26th. I had so much fun yesterday, it should be illegal. We ate and DRANK at Spice from 7-10pm, hit up a couple of bars in the Arena Dist. before heading over to cove round' 11:45. This is when I realized- either I am becoming a light weight or I have out grown this drinking shit! I guess the reality sank in today at 6am when I woke up in my bed. The things is, I specifically remember falling asleep on the living room couch??? Since Erin is gone for the weekend, and to date I have always remembered coming in my room (no matter how drunk or sick I've been) this shit is really bothering me. Was I that gone that I can't remember my last foot steps? CRAZY!

Well, school starts back for me tomorrow and I am mad nervous. From here on out there is no more fucking up for me. No more games, no more parties, no more drinking. School, work and studying are my new hobbies and I am going to strive to do the best in all three.

I guess it's good to say that my love life is bordering non existent. Right now I have no distractions and though I do like the company and conversation of a gentlemen here and there I am also realizing that they are a waste of time and gas. Most of these dudes don't have cars, aren't in walking distance and even further I CAN WATCH A MOVIE BY MY DAMN SELF.

It's Father's Day & my parents will be back through Columbus this evening. Since I got rid of all incriminating materials when they came through on Friday on their way to Kentucky- no I can focus on maybe cooking for them & doing some nice things so that they can be honored on their way back through.

For a long time I was unhappy... I still have a bad attitude by all means, but lately I have been feeling GREAT. And now that my homie will be in town from the NFL, things may be "better". We'll see though. I keep swearing off niggas- then next thing I know, I'm back- it's the same way with liquor... but for real this time!

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