Monday, June 26, 2006

De'ja` Vu...

and no, I am not talking about Beyonce' and Jay! I was just sitting here in deep thought about this situation I was going through around a month ago. I was hollering at (or what I thought was) an old time friend about this dude I was feeling. She then told me that he was "just a charmer" and fucks a lot of different girls. When I inquired about who he was fucking she mentioned a female both she & I were cool with. Well, I was going to leave it at that but I guess my old friend reported back to the girl that I had interest in the "charmer" and that's when the hating began. All of a sudden she was back sweating a nigga she wasn't even cool with (according to him). Well here is the De'ja` vu....

2004, (almost) two years to date I was confiding in a old high school friend (and current Buckeye) how I had been exchanging poems back and forth with a man of interest- fellow Buckeye- Chi Town's own... POETIC TYPE SHIT, lol. She hit me with another one of those hating ass lines, "he is a hoe and tries to talk to every girl on campus!" Of course being the potential Lawyer I've always been asked for some proof and she mentioned a female both she and I were cool with at the time. Next thing I know, after questioning this nigga about her, all of a sudden she is hitting me up bragging about him taking her on a date to the movies. One second he was a scrub, next thing I know she is sweating him super tough. I now see I am in a hell of my own making.

Well the story ends like this... Never rat on your friends and keep your mouth closed. I am no longer cool with either of the bitches in the second story and though it is somewhat sketchy on what's going on with the parties in the first- I know that I would never carry a story one of my homies told me to another girl. Even if I am a mutual friend, even if we are cooler than the other chick- I know how to keep OTHER PEOPLE'S BUSINESS to myself. Secondly, just as I know how to keep my mouth shut about other people's shit, I've learned now how to keep my mouth shut about my own shit.

Bitches talk too much. There has never been a situation where I have fallen out with someone on my own. It is always involving someone else saying something. Someone putting in their own two cents when they don't know shit about shit. I am always cool until some bitch (or nigga) goes back and reports that I like some nigga they like, or I was dancing with a nigga they talking to, or took a picture with they nigga and put it on facebook, or...

"I heard from five different people that you were trying to fuck my man last night! I am calling so that you can confirm or disconfirm(which isn't even the proper negation of confirm dumb ass akron bitch- guess that's what a textile and clothing degrees gets you!) if it is true..."
(EXCERPT from a voicemail some dumb OSU bitch left me... this is the nonsense I have to hear daily from OSU bitches!)

Yea, I liked that Kappa- but he ain't even with the bitch who was hating, so I ain't mad! Yea, I LIKED that Iota- but he ain't gone be with the bitch who is currently hating... he in it for the minute... just like his best friend since 3rd grade told me- "I don't even like _ _ _ _ _! I was just trying to get a few outfits out of her too!" Lmao.

Productivity & progression is the name of the game. I can't let these niggas make a fool of me EVER. Things are not always what they seem. GIRL #1 bragged about being taken out to the movies... when the fact is, she asked him, she picked him up and it was the DOLLAR SHOW, lol. GIRL!!!! #2 is just the jump off between two friends who are trying to get CAKED, lol even harder. Man, never could it be me! I just pray I've learned my lesson and will never have De'ja` Vu again!

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