Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Prophetic 1

Sometimes I feel like I am either psychic or a modern day prophet. Every time- every situation, I call it before it even happens. In one of yesterday's entries, I mentioned that when I "fall out" with an individual- it is never on my own, it is never because of something I did, never because of something I've said... it ALWAYS is a result of a third party chiming in and throwing their own two cents in. Some random hater that I probably don't even know their name- to their face has to have to audacity to speak about me!

It is funny that people convince themselves that they know something about me. Check the name of this blog You THINK You Know, But You Have No Idea! I didn't name my blog that for irony- I was being truthful. And don't think for a moment that this blog can help you study up on me because it won't. All this shit is- is a venting tool I have that also aids in keeping people who ALREADY know me abreast to what's going on in my life. In no way shape or form can some outside individual who doesn't already know me read this and think they know who I am, how I feel or what I am talking about. JUST BECAUSE WE'VE KICKED IT A COUPLE TIMES DOES NOT MEAN YOU KNOW ME!

I am spent. I am done with the childish games- I left that shit back at Shaw High School dawg. If you heard something about me- let ME know. Come at me real... and don't be scared to reveal who told you what! I am not confrontational, but you better believe I have a hot ass temper! It is nothing out there that pisses me off more than someone coming at me with rumors, then saying- I can't tell you who told me! If that's the case... why bring it up? The kind of woman I am- I will double your worth! You give me six inches I'll give you a foot, but don't expect me to do things on your terms while you are the one whom wants information out of me. Guess what? I could give a fuck about rumors and what people think of me! The people in my life who really count are INTELLIGENT enough not to believe the hype! There is not a naive drop of blood running through my veins homie! Not a one!

These are the facts, I never lie! I speak the truth... I usually know the truth before it even happens. Honestly- I have been fond of countless niggas on campus... but being fond of does not equate to "talking to", being fond of does not equate to "having sex with", being fond of simply means we may have facebooked a few times, dropped a few poems, maybe even went to dinner and a movie- THAT'S it. With some I've done more than others- but if you want to know about Lindsay, ask Lindsay. If you want the real out of Lindsay be real with Lindsay! Don't nickel and dime me! Tell me snippet of what some undisclosed person told you and expect me to spill the beans? Hells no!

I can't wait for one of these campus niggas to prove me wrong, make my prophecy a lie! But the facts are what they are, all these campus dudes are the same. All these frat niggas think they are royalty because they paid to get their asses beat for 6 weeks? These athletes wanting us to kiss their asses because all these white bitches do. Man, these hoes don't love ya'll they just trying to get a meal ticket. Keep believing that ya'll are special. Keep believing that shit homie!
A, I know who and what I am. You dumb ass niggas may believe your views of my facade- but I am a down to earth real ass person- who is not your average. I don't let niggas gas me & I don't let haters make me believe I am less than what I am. I am not brainwashed on either side of the board. That's why I said on my away message men ain't shit. This entry should suffice as your answer homie. Satisfied? I ain't on these niggas! Religion, Work, School... I'm just trying to keep my head above water!

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