Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The One

Okay, I was going super crazy all week because stupid Columbus State dropped all of my classes. I got two back and I just learned today that I may possibly get the last back also. What is even funnier is that I was freaked out for nothing because Columbus State (unlike OSU) hasn't started classes yet. I was going along this whole time thinking that classes had started this Monday, when they don't start until the 26th! Silly me!

I said all that to say, that sometimes- things and people aren't what they seem. Situations are all different and one should deal with each situation on a case to case basis. I know I tend to jump face first into romances and get caught up, but I am seeing that the man I may be looking for and the man who is for me, may not be one in the same. Right now I am getting to know a man with no strings attatched. He is not asking anyone about me and I am not asking anyone about him. He is adult enough to communicate with me and I admire that so much.

I have so much on my plate right now, school starts next week, I am trying to get this 2nd job at Delphi and more than anything I am learning to let "things" happen in their own sweet time. Like I once said before in one of my other posts, my Dad is always telling me, "Slow down!" and I am finally taking heed. Just like I was so sure school started on Monday and lately I've been so sure about what I want in a man and more specifically who I want, I am SEEING The One may be someone I never SAW before

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