Tuesday, August 29, 2006

It's Whatever!

I am starting to realize that you can't make anyone happy except yourself. It's always going to be something, some factor, some comment that someone takes the wrong way. There are always going to be those people who don't like you. There are always going to be people you don't like. Either way, the most we can do is focus on what we need out of life in order to be happy. No matter what toes we have to step on and what cost we have to pay, if you are happy at the end of the night- that's all that really matters.

This blog is starting to cause me so much drama. Random ass folk making comments about my posts & ethnicity? Random ass niggas getting offended because I say what I feel about them? The thing is, I am not on here for anyone satisfaction but my own. If you can't stand the heat get the fuck out the kitchen. If you don't want to read what I have to say- it's so simple to refrain from clicking on my profile's link. Are you serious?

Right now I am not going to be angry about anything. I had a great time and met some really nice women on Saturday. It is kind of hard to meet nice females to roll with at OSU, but I just did and I am really ecstatic about that. Celeste will be a married woman by the end of the week and Elise will be a mother by the end of next week. I am not going to let anybody or anything ruin that for me. I have been kicking it with a couple of cool dudes in CO, which are helping me with being homesick from Big Time. And that's all folks! I am sick of biting my tongue- fuck it!

People are always going to talk bad about me. Bitches are always going to start rumors about me. Niggas will always lie on their dicks. That's the way of the world. If you people don't know by now, I have learned to live with it- if I hadn't I would have killed myself a loooon time ago. I've just been sitting back and ruminating over the past decade. I was at Kirk Middle School ten years ago. The people I cared about then, the people I cared about at Shaw, even some of the people I cared about at OSU are gone from my mind- a distant memory. I am not about to stress myself out about people who I probably won't be in my life a year from now. I am definitely not going to stress myself out over people who I will probably never see again in my life! I am by no means a child, I do what grown folk do. I don't vandalize cars and I don't need to belittle others- and when I do, I don't get super offended when they do the same in return! I am me, inside and out- take it or leave it. I know who I am and I know what I need and want out of life... if you are reading this and find yourself enraged or guilty- then maybe you need to reevaluate your life, because it's whatever. You know where to find me!

1 comment:

Senor Cheeseburger said...

You have 5 baby daddies??? Well, I can't say that I'm suprised by that fact, however, I am a bit shocked how proud you are of it.

Congratulations on being completely used by 5 different guys. I'm sure you're an excellent mother and your kids wont grow up to rob mine at gunpoint.

Oh wait...