Friday, August 18, 2006

Everyone Is A Self Proclaimed genius...

It's funny how someone, even a stranger can read one entry from your blog or talk to you for all of twenty minutes and all of a sudden they are this psychiatrist who knows the depth to your every problem. I just hate judgment! Whether it come from friends, co- workers or just some random person I don't even know, I can't accept it [judgment], because judgment from a person does just as much good as a blood transfusion from someone who is HIV positive. It will get you no where fast and in a hurry!

Two of the people I work with are always calling me "CRAZY", but what they fail to realize it that everyone is crazy. The ones who deny it (like they do) are the worse because those are the mutha fuckas who show up to work with an AK-47 (shout out to Mo Clarett, lmao) and start blasting! Well, time and time again they call me "CRAZY," so today I called the one girl "Holier than thou" and for some reason (which is NOT beyond me) I think she may have been offended. She took the commonly use road and replied, "that's just what YOU think," and I had to immediately inform her that many other people pick that up from her personality too. The funny and hypocritical thing is, for the last four months I have set back and let her point out my infirmities and call me "CRAZY" repeatedly, but the ONE time I struck back and called her "Holier than thou" (which she truly is), she had the nerve to get offended? It just goes to show, people usually are quick to point out the faults of others when deep down inside they know, they are the ones who are really fucked up!

Then this other mutha fucka I work with, no matter what the subject.... sports, psych, nationalities- he thinks he is an expert. And if you know just a little bit- about me, you know I am not taking anyone's word for anything. I am open, I will listen, but I am always quick to research it or ask, "Where did you get that info from?" My other work friend lashed out on me one day and said I was a know it all and that I am never wrong. It's funny that when you question someone they jump to the defense and want to lash out on you when the fact shall remain, that if their stories and information were true- it would not be hard to prove. Every time the one guy starts a conversation- I just want to scream... what formal education do you have? But instead, I just nod my head. I now realize, people have to feel important. People have to pretend to be "HOLY." People have to do certain things to reach their own equilibriums, because when they don't do this- they don't feel sane, and if they don't feel sane- then for once in their lives, they will have to admit they aren't perfect, they are a little crazy and they don't know everything about everything. But instead, these types of people will probably continue on with the rest of their lives pointing fingers so they can keep this equilibrium, and those of us who Yahweh has permitted to see the truth will sit back and see them for what they are.... CRAZY, just like everyone else, just like the rest of us!

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