Monday, August 21, 2006

I Ain't Thinking About You...

I was thinking about forgiveness today. My girl Tiffany hit me up and told me a story about this girl we fell out with. She said the girl called her and was begging for forgiveness, lol. It's funny how after all this time she is still thinking about us! It's like Deja vu again, in a way.

Eliot and I fell out in March when I went to ATL. He did the kindergarten act and wrote shit on facebook, but after 2 hours of it, I decided to be an adult. I blocked him on facebook, blackplanet, instant message, etc. Then after so long he decided to start begging me for forgiveness. First he somehow convinced Celeste to give him her pass code on facebook so he could stalk, harass and write me from her page- I caught on to his game. Then he started hitting Erin and Nikki up?- PATHETIC. Now I get the constant texts and voicemails from him and I just need to let him know I ain't thinking about him at all. Don't get it twisted, I do forgive- I just don't forget. I know all these apologies are in order because of Celeste's Wedding next week. What, did he think he was going to stay with me for free or something? Crazy!

People usually apologize when they are looking for personal gain, so I am always skeptical of sincerity. I am always sincere when I apologize, so what of it? Am I a hypocrite for thinking that some aren't real? I dunno!

Ok, new topic... Big Time. This nigga played me something serious this weekend when I went home. I really don't know what to take from it though. I just think he doesn't take me seriously (as most guys don't- for some reason). I don't want to give up on it, for reasons that are obvious(to any of my FRIENDS who are reading), but I can't play the fool. I don't know if I am looking for love- but I am looking for something and he seems to be it.

As for Polaris... three calls and counting. I am so proud of myself- for I can't remember the last time I lasted this long. Ignoring his calls has been hard, but I think I have finally gotten over the hump. A pretty face won't always do it. A pretty body won't always do it. The best gear won't always do it. The best... let's just say, Polaris ain't doing it for me no more. And even though Big Time isn't running smooth- I am happy and content with my love life.

Belated Birthday to ATL my babe turned 24 on Saturday! WOW!

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