Thursday, August 31, 2006

Let Me Cater To You... You're So Vain, I Bet You Think This Blog Is About You

It has come to my attention that there are many misconceptions about my blog. Some think it was created to start or fuel drama. Others think it is an underhanded scheme to confront them. Truth be told, this blog is for me and me only. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind folk reading up on me so that they can see what's going on in my life- but the things I write are not meant to be interpreted or judged by anyone other than myself. This disclaimer is not directed towards anyone in particular, but I just wanted to clear some things up in my own mind. Everyone out here thinks that the world revolves around them. Everything I mention in this blog just HAS to be talking about them. Have you ever had the mind to consider that maybe you have a GUILTY CONSCIENCE? When enfact most times I am not talking about you at all! Think about that.

A friend of mine recently told me that she doesn't understand my blog concept because I am just airing my dirty laundry. This is not the truth, I tell of good predicaments I have also. There is nothing wrong with venting, it's healthy! The thing is I AM NOT going to change or discontinue my blog in order to CATER to the two people who are offended by it. There are some cute guys ;-) out there who believe me to be a fabulous writer and think this blog is hilarious. There are some chicks out there who say, "your shit is entertaining as hell." So, should I stop writing and speaking my mind in order to CATER to the few persons who are so self conscious that they think I am writing about them? I think not!

It's cool to mend broken pieces and it is sometimes even better to "salvage" relationships, but some things are better left alone. I am just sick and tired of being the better person, I am sick of being stripped of reciprocity, and I done with people not meeting me half way. There is no way in hell I am going to keep apologizing when I was not the only one in the wrong. I know my faults- I acknowledge my infirmities, but I am also a Taurus and I am stubborn down to the last drop. Don't be a fool, I DO NOT HOLD "GRUDGES," I am just at the point in my life where I am a no nonsense type of individual. I am sick of drama and I am sick of being involved in other people's drama! I don't have a man, I don't have any kids, I am not going through any mental family issues with my family at the moment, and as far as other females are concerned- I have plenty of peeps to chill with and relate to. There is no reason for me to be concerned with someone's baby daddy troubles. There is not point for me sitting around hearing someone BASH other females- then roll with them, what for? I am not getting involved with any of that shit anymore, I am staying to me- and that's it.

The fact will remain, that I am all about self. I spent two decades of putting other people first, now it is me time. Hell no I am not going to sensor my blog. Hell no I am not going to be overly tactive or consider what others think about what I have to say, because people are always going to think what they want to think . People are always going to find a way to twist your words, no matter what you do. There is always going to be drama; even when you're lying at home sleep in your bed, someone across town will be accusing you of some thing. I will not CATER to anyone other than myself in this blog, plain and simply- that is not up for discussion. You're So Vain, I Bet You Think This Blog Is About You!

Don't You?

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