Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Cutting The Grass

I think it's amazing how niggas claim to be "grown men," but at the end of the night they're just as petty and ignorant as these dead beats on the corner! One can talk and talk and talk to a nigga about respect until their ears fall off, but none of that will matter because they will still do the same dumb shit that makes you not take them seriously to begin with.

I was cool with this nigga who claims he wants me to be his woman?... yet, he is fucking a girl I roll with? Bad for business. Then we converse and dissect some shit, and he runs back and tells his boy? He tells his boy I am hating on him? He tells his boy not to talk to my friend I am hooked him up with? So, what the fuck is this niggas logic? You think making your nigga not like me and making one of my closest friends pissed off at me is going to make me take you under consideration? SAVE THAT SHIT FOR THE BIRDS!

See L. ain't got to hate on anyone. I am comfortable in my skin and the more I live the more I realize that if I question how real a nigga is from the jump- I prolly shouldn't trust him. I was right my sophomore year and no matter what piece of paper he got, what job he claims, which house he bought- he is still the same old nigga claiming to be a grown man. The funny thing is, grown men don't act in that manner. What happens between us, stays between us! The reason I know so much about a REAL man is because I lived with one for 18 years.

I am not fool. I said it before and I will say it again, I may portray the facade of a dumb blonde, but I couldn't be farther from it. I know who my real friends are (none of which anyone reading knows), I know who really is down for me & cares about me, and lastly, I know what niggas is just after their own profit- bitches too! I take care of me first in any situation. I don't care enough to stress about anyone outside my blood line other than Derrick. So, if you're wondering- keep it moving. There is only one I will change or repent for, he already knows my heart so their is no need. As far as you sneaky ass serpents... I been cutting the grass!!!

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