Thursday, April 06, 2006

Stay Tuned!

Sometimes my life is like a Soap Opera, but right now it is pretty steady. Still trying to cope with the fact that I am sitting out another quarter and not graduating, but then again it's all for the good. I have seen quite a few people graduate in the last couple only to work jobs they already had, or could've had with out a degree. That could NEVER be me. I have aspirations that must be obtained.

My sister just turned 28 a couple of days ago, which means my birthday is only a hop skip and a jump away. I will be 23, & I ain't ready! It's kind of scary- I am not where I planned to be on any level of life- educations wise, love life wise, friendship wise, career wise, ect. Then again I have been pleasantly surprised by many things that have been sprung into my life. I am some what drama free right now- which is more refreshing that anything else in life. Of course, I still get the stares from random girls, but that will never go away. Girls always think they know the real you, so they are always going to have problems with your existence- I have learned to live with that and not let it bother me.

I do have a new personal struggle, I am wondering one females intentions towards me. Our only connection is a mutual friend, but it seems she has a problem with me. I don't see how people can be so.... well I will say "phoney" for the lack of a better word. I think if you have a problem you should confront it head on. That is what I am doing in my life & I am wondering should I confront her. It has been quite obvious because I have seen her pointing me out to her other female friends, then here recently.... he friends were giving me the ackward eye. Hopefully she is not one who frequents my site (which I seriously doubt), so I hope I can talk to her & let her know how I feel. I am a grown ass woman & I have enough issues than to have to deal with someone copping a problem with me over...???

Anyways, I love my Elise, Erin, Kim & Nikki! No other females have much importance to me anymore!

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