Wednesday, April 12, 2006

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!"

My question to most is, why does one walk around with a phony facade and still claim to be real? Just be yourself, be true to yourself. In the end, no one else really matters. I started this blog because I felt I had a lot of built up anger that I needed to release. I guess you can say this is something like my own personal self help aisle right at home. The sole purpose of the blog is to improve myself and to help those who care-to-know the real me- get a knot hole's view into my world. Everyone has issues, some deny it- but I am willing to wear it right on my sleeve, instead of bottled inside. If you choose to keep your matters to yourself... fine! I will not judge you for that, but I expect you not to judge me either. Don't knock my self improvement. Who are you to JUDGE?

You need to remember... the blasphemer is not only the person blaspheming, but also the person who points out (or JUDGES) the blasphemer!

Refrain from commenting negatively on my supposed "issues", because if you were perfect I am sure you would not have five minutes a day to dedicate yourself to reading my posts, when we haven't even talked in two years. There is a word for that... S.T.A.L... I'm not going to go there, I am not even mad at you.

I have always been a very straight forward and blunt woman! I tend to let a person know what the are getting into before they even approach me. In my heart I wish more men were like me, because I have found out that quite a few people are psycho, years after "knowing" them. People have a way of hiding things. People have a way of deceiving others. I am not one of those types of persons. I am not perfect, but I am willingly to put that out there. I am not perfect but I am ready and willing to grow. I am not perfect, but I am not willing to pull someone else down in order to feel better about myself.

To anyone out there reading... my friends, my associates, my enemies, or even someone I haven't talked to in a really long time, I am just Lindsay- no tricks no gimmicks. I am a very religious hard worker who finds passion in everything I do. I don't have low self esteem but I am very self critical and I sometimes let that take over the good parts in my life. I hate where I came from, but I love who brought me there- which is sometimes a contradiction within itself- which is why it's taking me such a long time to battle out my imperfections. That's just me. I want everyone to know I am far from where I started, I am also so very far from where I want to be- but I am PROGRESSING!

I am no longer going to fight to have people in my life. What's meant to be will be. Those who love me, already love me. If you see my problems, and they don't bother you a bit, you are my real friend and you are meant to be in my life. If my problems scare you away... you know where you stand! I am a firm believer that Yahweh has pre-ordained everything; I am an actress, this is his movies, there is a script, the ending is already written!

"A friend is someone who sees through you and still enjoys the view."
~Wilma Askinas

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