Monday, April 24, 2006


Just found out the sex of the baby today, it's going to be a boy & I can just taste it. I can't even lie, I was kind of itching for a girl, but I did see some fly Shell Toes the other day for a boy. It is sort of funny how just yesterday I was kind of down from straying from a guy I was really feeling, but just that fast Yahweh arranged for another man to come into my life. Another man who will be my flesh and blood and I will teach him how to treat women properly.

I think that's the problem with our generation; a lot of these Black males were raised by single women. I am not saying by any means that single women can't raise true Black MEN, but it seems evident that most of these women were just having children as a result of casual sex relationships & simply got caught up. These guys I am dealing with were brought up by parents who apparently did not teach them to love, adore, and take care of their most valuable counterparts; Black Women.

I am going to teach Ethan everything... to open doors, walk on the outskirts of the sidewalk, pay for dinner, initiate romance- chivalry is not dead. I am going to show him not just how to be a MAN, but also how to be a great person in general. I can't wait until my sweetheart comes in September!!! IT'S A MAN!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.