Saturday, April 29, 2006

Dang I 4 Got

Man, I have mad stress I need to get out of my system. I forgot all about this outlet these last few days! Well, I attended a little shindig the other night and ran into this guy I've been feeling. We actually ended up having a really good talk, but after he was sober & I was sober it was back to the regularly schedule program- BULLSHIT! I'm not even upset this time, I didn't even bother re-registering his number into my phone; I knew the whole night's worth of talking was going to be a waste. So that's that.

It's just incredible to witness how hypocritical men can be. It was only three weeks ago when he was making comments like, "I don't need females to be nice to me. If they ain't feeling me- it's no need to spare my feelings, let me know!" But when the tables are turned... NOTHING? I think last night was the last straw with him (for real this time, lol) because I despise liars. He told me he had step show practice, but then he was at the Kappa Kaberet? Not just at the Kappa Kaberet, but in a nice ass fit that did not reek, "I threw this together at the last minute." So he is just a blatant liar, and I'm not down for that. It's all good though, some people are raised poorly- so they have no common honor.

Went out with Amber, Deanna, & Shannon last night and had a pretty good time. I think I did need to get out, I am just mad depressed because I am turning 23 on Monday- WOW! Four more months as the baby of the family!?!? But in more ways than one, I am ready to give up that throne to my baby Ethan! I made my very first purchases for him today. It's been really hard on me these last five months waiting to find out his sex but now I know a man is being bore into our family... the first in the century, really the first in over a decade! Damn, lil Reggie will be 11! Where does the time go? Where does life go? I feel like Carrie Bradshaw when she turned 35. Twenty Three- Twenty Three. Twenty Three is not Thirteen, it's Twenty Three.

Love is all that matters...

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