Sunday, April 23, 2006

If You LIKE Something, Let It Go...

If It Comes Back To You It's Yours, If I Doesn't It Never Was!

Just starting to cope with letting this dude go. For the last month I have been pining over him, why?... I don't know, but now it is over. The first time I visited him he said that he was sick or pursuing females, he was waiting for someone to sweat him, he was interested in a female who would give him "RECIPROCITY". Well, after hearing him talk I realize that's all it was- TALK. After wasting my time, he told me, "I'm not fa real." What the fuck is that? I don't have kids for a reason; I don't have time for the childish games. Then the negro says... he is not interested in changing my mind, well what do I say to that? I am not going to keep caring about a person who cold care less about how I feel about them, so I am done.

More than anything it's fuck up when you think of what could've been. I see he is a jerk & not my type... he is simply not who I thought he was. I have a problem! I am prejudice, I give people way too much credit way too soon. I pre judge that they will be worth something when the are indeed worthless. I always look for the good in people, while most look for the bad in me. Do I want to be with that kind of guy?... do I want to talk to that kind of guy?... do I want to even befriend that kind of guy? I don't know, but he made it clear that I shouldn't- so I'm not. I am not even mad because one of his own frat brothers warned me about him and his childish antics. I can't lie, I was looking forward to being with him & I still do like him, but I let him go & he kept walking. He had too much pride, so that's his fault. Since I am being outwardly bitter these days... I don't care!!! I am not bottling up my feelings! I am a really great woman & he got dumped by a terrible woman to teach him a lesson. A lesson he has yet to learn, that maybe his judgment is impaired! He choose to walk by a good female so I hope he continues to get fucked. We both have judgment problems, I care too much he cares too little; since I am enforcing my 0 tolerance policy- I ain't dealing with it until he realizes what kind of an asset I am... plain & simply!

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