Thursday, May 04, 2006

I'ma Grown Ass Woman!

Yes, your girl is officially in her twenty fourth year of life! I was real depressed on my twenty third birthday and didn't do much to celebrate, but now three days later I do truly appreciate being alive. I know things seem bad right now in my life, but all these years of despair are worth every moment of joy I have ever experienced. I am going out tonight... will I run into "him" I don't know. I guess things will go as Yahweh has planned, but I sometimes wonder what he has in store for me?

Right now I am dedicated to being mad focused, on me that is. I want to get my life together by the years end. I am starting now, this is a long term goal... happiness. It's going to take hell of hard work and determination, but I know what it takes. Hopefully, a year from now this will all be a bad dream. I will have a degree and be headed out of CO, or at least I will have found something here worth staying for. All I can say is I am proud of my progression and the adult I have become since the same time a year ago. Learning from my experiences has helped me dearly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.