Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Not The Time Not The Place

Just Believe Keep The Faith... Gotta Learn How To WAIT!

Okay, I promise- I am going to learn how to be patient.... one day soon, lol. Man, one of the things I can hear my father drilling into me daily is, "Slow down!" It was always "Murphy's Law" & "Slow Down".... classic lines out of his mouth. For once in my life I am going to wait...

I once told this dude I was feeling (who will remain nameless... my lil' squirrel;-) that his girlfriend was just a space holder for me. I knew that I wasn't ready for a relationship yet, so their relationship was fine with me; it was just preparing him to be a better man when it was "our time" to be together. Well, the fact is- she got pregnant soon after I-made-the-call. The fact is, I miscalculated the situation and I should have went after him right then and there. Now it's four years later & things are way to complicated to move up or down. Well, I said all of that to say this, sometimes- I AM WRONG. There are times when I make determinations that aren't best in the long run.

Recently, I jumped into something prematurely and I am realizing that it was something I should have sat back and ruminated on. Some things need time to grow... this is true of plants and of people. It's harder for me to read men now than it was "back in the day", but I will say there is one thing I wish I had seen in myself "back in the day" that I have now- BALLS. Yes, I am still shy in MANY ways, but to approach someone I was feeling? NEVER would have happened back in the nineties.

Sometimes things just work out. Consistently gets one noticed. The last person I was with was NOT the one I wanted to be with for real. Other than them being tall and athletic, they were EXACT opposites... but things just worked out for us. I am far from perfect I confess that to myself everyday in the shower; so, I can not expect someone to believe in me, or to see something in me that I don't see in myself. I am not going to try and be like the girls I see him chasing. I am not going to try to be something I am not. Even though I try to deny it, I am very superstitious... I believe in faith, I believe in magic and I believe in chance because I have seen dreams come true. So, I am going to wait!

1 comment:

Dave said...

Perfection is in the eye of the beholder. One of these fine days ......