Thursday, May 18, 2006

"There are some lines too dangerous to cross...

But there are others if you're willing to throw caution to the wind and take a chance, the view from the other side is spectacular."

I took this quote from my friend Jenelle's aim profile & it maid me think to myself, "I'm not a quitter." Lately I have been so consumed with other peoples opinions and notions, that I am stunting a friendship before it's even begun. I never use to care what my friends thought of guys I liked, now all of a sudden I am asking my girls what do you think of... what have you heard about... do you think he... It's just a mess!

Okay, I am hearing that he is sleeping or has slept with many different Jane's Does. I am hearing that he was a dog to his last girl. I am hearing that his has "different" sexual tendencies. I am hearing a whole heap of shit. The thing is, he should be innocent til' proven guilty. I took Street Law for two years, I want to be a lawyer some day, since when does HEARSAY stand up in court?

The funny thing is he & I are so much alike. We are both assholes. I am probably the only person who loves Kanye West's cockiness- I should know that I find adoration in traits that other girls consider unbecoming, so why am I asking their opinions?There's someone for everyone, he may be an acquired taste- but I like my men as I like my fashion; unattainable & highly unique.

I need to learn that just because he did her wrong, does not mean he is going to do me wrong. I need to learn just because other females say he slept with her/him, doesn't make it a fact- I know that first hand I have a reputation that I KNOW I haven't earned, so who is to say it isn't the same for him? I like a challenge. People think I am "setting myself up for failure"(Dante'), but that couldn't be farther from the truth. People who make those statements are the ones who are ignorant of what LINDSAY is capable of.

I am willing to roll the dice. I am willing to take a chance. I'm an "outside the box" sorta lady, & believe the grass is greener on the other side. It may take hell, but I AM going to find out. If I am wrong... I'll chalk it up to experience.

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