Thursday, July 06, 2006

Things Are Not Always What They Seem!

I was thinking about Mary J. Blige today...or rather, I was thinking about something Nikki said about Mary J. Blige the other day. She mentioned that her music was much better when she was unhappy and going through drama. I think that most relate to the work others when it is concerning some sort of misfortune, because we can all relate to pain. Happiness, well that's another subject- but what we all know is that it's something that doesn't come with regularity in life. Sitting back and observing all the artist we love and admire from actors to musicians, most of them are unhappy. They may portray an image of sanity to the media, but deep down inside it couldn't be farther from the truth. Many of them are bad parents, have failing marriages, and contrary to popular belief- many have financial problems also. Things are not always what they seem!

My sister once had a friend who claimed to be in love. Any chance she got to throw it in my sister's face, was not passed in vain. She bragged about relocating out of state and taking a better job, being engaged, blah blah blah. Well, as it turned out, she did transfer in her company- but the job was the same title- same pay, she did move out of state but she was doing so to tag along to her dead beat fiance' who has now become her deadbeat estranged baby's dad. All along she would have us believe she was living a life worth envying... but things are not always what they seem!

When I began my freshman year here at OSU, I had a friend who was hot to get married. He actually proposed to me on different occasions, but at the time I was way too young for marriage. I told him I would marry him in five years (funny, if he had waited- we would be married right now!). He was a great guy; had a degree- which lead him to a nice career as a Chemist, a car, a home, etc... oh and he was also a VIRGIN!?!? Of course he was not willing to wait the five years for me and up until February- last I heard he got married to a "familiar face". She was comparable to him, educated, came from a nice family, etc... oh yea- & hot to get married too. So wed they did. To make a long story short, she left him for a local dope boy. My friend continued to support her for months hoping that she would "come to her senses" but she never did so he moved on and divorce the "familiar face" behind her back. The day their divorce was final, he called her and said, "Bitch! We're divorced," while she was back at home in VA celebrating her father's birthday. The rest of the family thought they were happy newly weds. The rest of the family though he was arriving on a later flight. But what the rest of the family didn't realize is that, things are not always what they seem!

Happiness is circumstantial as are opinions. What angle you're looking from, whose side you're hearing, how you were raised, etc. will all factor into what you believe. But, the truth is not circumstantial- the truth is final. No matter what rumor you heard you don't know for a fact unless you were there to witness it for your yourself. If you heard a girl or guy is a hoe, were you the third person there involved in the orgy? No! So, how can you say for sure? If you think that a person has feelings for someone in question, are you Ms. Cleo or one of Dionne Warwick's psychic friends? No! So, how do you know for sure?
The fact is, you can never assume. Someone may seem happy while all along they are going through hell inside. Someone may put on a front like they
are happy, while all they are concerned with is outside appearance. Someone may actually be happy while all along the things or persons who are causing this happiness are being swept right from under their feet. What we must try harder to do is stop judging others. Stop comparing ourselves amongst ourselves. Who really knows what happiness is anyway? My happiness is way different from your happiness! Just as Mary performs better when she is angry- I tend to write better when I am angry. I guess it's that our talent is rooted to our pain. And WE ALL have that common denominator of pain. I guess this is why people just can't be happy for me. I guess this is why bitches hate. I guess this is why you have to try and bring me down when you see me reaching my goal. People pretend to be down with you but, things are not always what they seem!

"Niggas frown when you up and smile when you down. And when you change for the better life, fools stop comin' around" ~UGK Diamonds and Wood

Fuck you hating dastardly ass BITCH!

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