Monday, July 24, 2006


Man, I use to write in this thing everyday- but it seems when life is good, I don't have too much to talk about. It's kind of weird now that my girl Christian doesn't work with me anymore, because for the last month- I haven't had anyone to tell about dates and crazy situations, so I will spill the beans on here I guess.

Things didn't work out with Big Time like I thought they would. I asked him a question which he was highly offended by and he FLIPPED out on me. It's sad because I only asked him if he had a girlfriends. He told me that it was a stupid question and what kind of nigga would he be having me over his house when he has a girl. I really felt what he was saying, but in 2004- dudes are so grimy that shit like that is the norm. I still really want to talk to him and I am kind of sad because I have let these no good niggas get so far into my head that when a sensible one comes along I say shit that categorizes them with the rest of these fools. Like the Kappa for instance, stringing me along while he was getting back with his old bitch. Niggas like that are the cause for the question I asked Big Time.

It's okay that he got back with here though, I'm not BITTER, they can go on dates to the dentist to get porcelain veneers, lmao. With his fucked up ass teeth and her dingy ones!!!

But like I said, it's over with Big Time. He hung up on me, lol, and I erased his number. So, unless I stumble across him when I am in Cleveland or he happens to have a change of heart and calls- it's over. My girl Tiffany keeps telling me to sign on to & try to look up my call record, but I am going to lean on fate.

Last Thursday Thrill was in town and we chilled for a couple hours. No date, nothing spectacular- JUST Mirror Lake. We sat and talked for a few hours and it was really nice. I guess he wanted to pick my brain, but I wouldn't really let him get into my head. Lately I have just been focusing on not liking anyone too soon. I am going to start a new month rule; I won't gain feelings for anyone until a solid month of heavy communication has passed. But anyhow, Thrill seems like I really nice guy and far from the other men in his profession. Hopefully a month from now I will be talking about the feelings I've gained for him, lol, but time WILL tell ;-) It's hard not to gain feelings quicker though because it's been a long time since someone has really wanted to talk to me. I guess I have been talking to the wrong kind of men, but now my luck is taking a turn- lately.

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