Saturday, February 02, 2008

I Call A Spade A Spade, PERIOD!

SAY IT AIN'T SO! Nah, it is so- it was ALL a lie as I suspected. Maize & Blue is not married, it's all a front for the public. It's funny how much people will go through in order to make the outside of their house look pretty. Get a new roof, cut the grass, paint the shutters, trim the hedges... but inside their house it's all falling apart. The same can be of people. People do so much to appear normal, or to pretend that they're something they are not. He told me that he said he is married on his profile to satisfy someone else. Is that the satisfaction- everyone thinking you have something you don't? The funny thing is, there aren't enough newspaper articles, or NFL profiles that could claim you are his wife- when the fact remains, it's all a lie.

I sometimes think, what going to happen when it is "official"? The fact will still remain, that his heart isn't there. Now THIS is a memorial, something that will never change; his heart is with me.

I was talking to my girl last night about somethings. I asked her if I should call Maize & Blue and wish him well concerning tomorrow's Super Bowl, and she told me what I needed to hear, "NO!" I did make the call against my better judgement. When I talked to my other friend Sala this morning, she told me that the call was ok. She said that it was closure. I expressed how I am over the relationship- but I just hate the fact that this bitch is reaping all the benefits, while she has always been nothing more than a jump- off. How convienent for her to get pregnant less that a month before her get signed. CO-INK-A-DINK? I think not! Sala just mentioned that he can't be THAT stupid to think that old-girl is real! I guess I'll never know.

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