Sunday, March 05, 2006

My Existence is Like a Kodak Picture; My World is in Color, but My Life is in Black & White!

The more I talk to people, the more I realize how much they don't know who I am. At times I care less, but as of late, I have began to really wish I could express to people- who I really am. I may be talking to the air, but I now see that if someone is worthy of knowing me, they will be the one to read this. My blog will be about my life, from the beginning through the... Of course, some stories will be left out & names will be changed in order to protect the innocent & slow of heart. Other than that this is the real, through my eyes.

My Static with Greeks
My life is really crazy from the moment I was born right up to this present second. It has a lot to do with where I came from... MY PARENTS! My parents have been married for 31 years, & for another six months, I will be the baby in our family! My parents went through hell in their respective childhoods (both being the eldest child) & that hell has a lot to do with the way they brought up my older sisters & I. A lot of things happened in my house hold that I have never repeated, mentioned, & most of the time I try to block out. A LOT HAPPENED. Don't jump to conclusions, I was NEVER raped- but the option of being a child was never presented to me. My sisters & I always say, "Our parents are CRAZY!"... & that is something that always made me ask myself, "How is it possible for 2 crazy individuals to raise 3 sane beings?" That just never made since to me. When I came to OSU I really wanted to pledge! Anyone who knows me slightly- knows what I WANTED to be. But the more I thought about it, the more I lost respect for the whole GREEK LIFE. Greek life would only make a mockery of my whole existence. Though my sisters and I are not as close as most siblings, the time we spent together in that GREEN house in East Cleveland yields undying respect-love that can never be duplicated. I may never come to the point where I can mentally(because I trust NO ONE) or physically (because I cry too much when I try to even bring it up) talk of what went on those 18 years but I know I have 2 people in this cold world who can relate and who survived it. We had no choice! Our set was that Green house, they are my sorority sisters, we have been on line our whole lives! This is why I lost respect for Greeks and the thought of being a Greek. Greeks sign paper, Greeks choose to go on line, Greeks pay dues... All willingly! & though I understand the light they see @ the end of the tunnel, if I had been given the choice I would have never been bred into this woman with a chip on her shoulder who walks around as she owns the world, yet that's what most of these Greeks do, daily. & I don't respect that. Like it or leave it, this is why!

The Real Me
My favorite co-worker (or ex-co-worker for that matter) & friend Mike Gold has me reading this Book called "FLOW". In this bok it was mentioned how mainly everyone feels content with their life until someone actually asks them, "Are you happy?" That is MAD true. I never feel unhappy until someone shoves it on me. "Big Fish" one of my favorite movies has this one segment when the characters are talking about ice burgs. What is seen on the surface does not amount to what really is. I think that relates to me alot. People see me on campus or out @ the club and they jump to conclusions. It may be the drink in my hand, or maybe the bright clothes I wear. But I am so much more than what a finger can point at!

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