Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Light of My Life!

"Smile for me Daddy!"

I will never forget the day I met Derrick Beal at CVS one evening after Basketball practice. Who started off as the annoying best friend of a boy I was into, then became the most important asset in my life. My best friend and at sometimes I believe my ONLY friend. It's kind of funny that I have officially known him for a decade and it feels more like a lifetime. We're both grown. I'm in Columbus living with my sister & he is in Cleveland living with his girlfriend, I haven't even seen him since like 4th of July, yet it as if no time or space has passed. It is so funny how people will try to find ways to hurt you. They may try to beat your outfit, flaunt their boyfriends, they will do anything in order to leave you sad, jealous, pissed off, they will not stop until something bad comes to you. But the only thing that can hurt me, only Yahweh can take away. & everyday I delight in that.

My mom has been through the most impossible life ever, and still she is here. Through abuse, the diseases, the pain- Yahweh has kept her in the midst of it all. My mom didn't have a childhood, my mom didn't finish college, yet I am convinced (& everyone knows how critical I am of people) she is the most intelligent person I know. Only my mom knows every recipe to every dish. Only my mom can tell me what a 15 letter words means, or even what a word like NICE means... That it is a synonym for IGNORANT! Who knows that? I mean really! Everyday I just realize how lucky I am. People think they know the "REAL" Lindsay but I am so much more. Though a lot of my relationships with people are stunted by my attitude, appearance, misunderstandings, jealousy- or betrayal b/c of boys, I am truly blessed to have people in my life who know the real me.

Derrick's Beautiful Hair

Which Both His Mama & Daddy Claim Comes From Their Side of the Fam

My Derrick, I have sworn that nigga off soooo many times! Then, when he calls me- it's like NOTHING ever happened. Like most recently, when he didn't get his hair braided for Elise's (my oldest sister) wedding- I was infuriated! "Nigga, you ain't my date anymore, you better not come!"..."I'm tellin' Toog not to let yo' ass in!", "Blah...Blah... Blah!" But when I walked up the isle & saw him sitting @ one of the back tables in a corner...I smiled, & told them to have him seated in front with my parents... ponytail & all! Things aren't always what they appear.

He ain't that nigga with the hottest gear or car (but let him tell it he is, LOL). He is not the college boy, just a man with a GED & a DREAM! But that's my nigga! That's my best friend.... Fuck it, that's my BLEED! & no one can ever take that from me. So keep the rumors coming, mean mug as hard as you can- you will never be able to take my shine & only Yahweh can take away "The Light of My Life!"

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