Monday, July 30, 2007

Bent Not Broken

Rules, why are the really made. Some say that they're meant to be broken, while others go with the concept of JUST bending them. Which ever you feel, it seems there is no time when one completely goes by the rules. Never cry over someone who isn't worth you tears. The irony in that statement is apparent because the ones who are worth my tears never make me cry! Never choose a male "friend" over a female "friend, friend being the operative word on one hand meaning lover and on the other meaning disguised foes. In a world so cold where people no longer know how to love, how is it possible for a person who STILL has love in their heart to act on it?

Right now I am so far beyond hate that I don't know what to do with myself. I know that there are people out there constantly talking about me, but it's time to let childish things go. I mean, what do they really matter anyway? None of them are putting money in my pocket- and none of them give a damn about my well being. So, instead of harboring on what someone has to say about me- I'd much rather keep it moving. You know! Since they're not putting money in my pocket- focus on my job and finances. And since none of my hater are worried about my well being, and am determined to be in better shape and better health and most importantly, I am convinced that I have to make so detrimental changes in my life to succeed in someone of my unfinished business (my degree, my book, my love life with.... wouldn't you love to know). It may all seem like babbling to you, but this is real life. It's not myspace, facebook or a blog- this is the real. There comes a point in every one's life when they have to admit HATERS do play a role and as much as I "hate" saying it, they have caused a negative affect in my life. But all in the same breath I MUST say that, though the haters bent my I've never been broken. They can't break my stride.

With this move, new job- new city I have decided to bring a new me. Ms New Booty you can call it, lol. I remember when I first arrived at OSU, I found a way to stay out of drama and that was by staying to myself. Once I let "friends" in, thats when it started- and after 6 years of being in Columbus, it's still happening. I will say this, even after I made "friends" and drama started I STILL stayed out of it. When they were going to the club, I NEVER went, I stayed in my dorm and studied. I guess that explains why I got that 3.66 GPA my first quarter here while most others had .somethings. Then, I messed up, and I never got back on the right track. I bent that cycle, but I did not break it! This explains why I am getting back to THAT Lindsay... The no nonsense, stay out of other bitches business and drama type of chick. I am back.

You see this world love to see one fall. Beyonce did it and she popped right back up. Aaliyah said it of her Star Search loose. She got back up and dusted herself off, thus her song "Try Again". The thing I am realizing is that certain things are meant to be never broke, in fact not even bent, while other things are meant to be done away with. The only thing that I have that has been broken is my heart- and the funny thing is, someone probably just meant to "BEND" it, but they didn't realize that with your heart, it's all or nothing. But I feel that if I have had a broken heart for the last 6 years and 8 months (the day He walked out of my life) and I have STILL found someway to move on and make something of my life- success has to be around the corner. Because, I have been hurt BAD, and it's not letting up. So, somethings got to give.

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