Sunday, April 01, 2007

Tha Unadulterated Truth

Change is definitely apparent. I can see it, I can hear it, and oh- the TASTE of it; I can't even explain. I am a much different person than I was in six years ago, and anyone out there judging me on what I sinned in back then is living in the past. Truthfully, I am not the same person I was a year ago. It's true, I still live in the same city, same apartment, same skin but, I am much different on the inside. My outlook on like is so realistic and my understanding of happiness has been altered so much so- that it's unrecognizable. It's not how many shoes I own (don't get it twisted though, I still Love & Buy shoes), it's not who loves me back, it's just not superficial as it once was.

No matter what you do or say, people are going to look at you and make a decision of who you are, not having known ANYTHING about your life of what you've come from. There are going to be bitches who pretend to be you friend, but they simply aren't. They play the role, you know... kick it with you at the club, accept presents from you, offer advice- the whole 9. Then, months later you realize they were only befriending you because they thought you were after their man? Huh, that's funny. I guess bitches are applying the "keep you friends close and you enemies closer" more than ever now. The funny thing about that is- so many females are too ignorant, shallow, inferior and down right dumb to realize who their real enemies are. I always try to tell females (whether they be my friend or enemy), I am not you competition. The fact is what's real... Your man is a hoe. He is my friend. Now, if I was a hoe- that wouldn't mix. I don't care what ring was placed on what finger, your man has made many proposition towards me and if I wanted to fuck him tomorrow- it would be done. Your man cheats on you with and without condoms... how do I know it? I heard it from the horses mouth! There is nothing you could ever amount to or try to be that would make you woman enough to hold any many down, because you settle and you have way too much of a one track mind. I was never your competition- because you are not on my level. Never have been never will be. I am not the type to sleep around- FACT! I am not the type to be with other bitches' niggas- FACT! I am not the type to pop out bastards and be a BABY MAMA- FACT! I not only WALK- but I RUN the straight and narrow. I am not going to say that I don't judge- because everyone does, but I will tell you this, I don't judge until I am judged! If someone feels a need to use me and later betray me- I have no loyalty to you. If it's fuck me- it's fuck you twice over! That's real talk! I have never loved someone because they loved me. But I have hated because someone hated me first. I love people without expecting anything in return. Even though I know who I am- I still try my best for people to like me and to see that I am a whole sound individually, but at this point I am kind of done with that- because 7 months later- you find out that bitches are just phony. Go figure.

I don't go out to clubs to have fun, I go to clubs to spend time with my friends. I don't waste my time with conversation unless you are a person I really care about. The most I may do with someone I don't care for is speak. That's it, that's all you get- finito!

See, a year ago, this situation would have bothered me- but I am a different person now. I am so blunt- you could smoke me. Hater will STARE at you all day and only pick out your failure- while never seeing the beautiful person you've become.

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