Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Other Side of Eddy

I know you. Well I thought I knew you, but what I see is not what they describe.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, “I want to get to know the other side.”

But roadblocks hinder me, and traffic stops like the city you're in.

And although we never let it burn, I can't seem to get over that bridge.

Bumpy roads lead me back to you. Make me want to take one less traveled.

Then I realize my kind doesn't get to breathe you, and in that moment my soul unravels.

All I get is the brick—the foundation, yet they reap the benefits of your pavement.

I've been saving myself for you—I’ve been saving. But no mortgage will soothe my complacence.

Lakefront properties of personalities and wrought iron gates to keep me from that alter—ego.

Copper-less inner workings is the feature film. I've watched it over, and boarded up windows was the preview.

I see the signs. I gravitate to you. But navigation leads me right.

I know my heart is where you are. I know my home is where your heart lies.

The real you never let me down, but there is something glamorous about the challenge.

That the sweet side of you could make us one is the thought that keeps my heart balanced.

An overpass may as well be 2300 miles. Segregation may as well rear its ugly head

If I can't be who you are, if I can't meet the other side of Ed.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Worth It

Without being tested, how can you tell if it's real?
And if you've never been in love before, how can you tell how it feels?
Well, we've been down that road before and somehow we made it back.
And I fell in love before, yet somehow this feels better than that.
The possibility of something growing from nothing, so we know it's God given.
And though I'm not in a place to love you yet, I can tell you're what I'm missing.
And I want to tell you more, but I have to step in on faith.
Maybe standing still isn't always bad. I'll let Him guide my pace.
Because I've never been the type to rush in yet you're the type I'm waiting for.
And we friend zoned each other, but I keep wondering if it could be more.
Because there is something magical about your personality, something great about your perspective. Something that made walking away 7 years ago, something I've always regretted.

Monday, July 04, 2016


An unlikely friendship, Victor and mine's started in 2008 as cohorts at CSCC. Coincidentally, we crossed paths again at Ohio State and the rest is history. We cultivated a bond and had the loveliest of encounters. Always outgoing. Always ready to dish. My friend Victor was an awesome chatterbox who matched my motormouth. I miss him already. 

August 30, 2009

He said he would send me his resume. That was the last time I talked to my best friend. No different than times before, we'd go a few weeks without speaking, yet somehow this time was different. Somewhere in my heart I knew. A week ago I texted him, and he didn't respond. So unlike him. This confirmed it--the bad feeling I'd been harboring.

Last Thursday as I readied myself for a meeting I thought to google his name, but I was running late, so I didn't. And later that evening much like many others, I had a few moments to myself, so I googled, "Victor Isaranucheep."

October 11, 2014

Victor and I had a way with each other that I don't think either of us had with any other soul. We'd never walk away having discussed a situation without resolution. He had my answers and I had his. Our friendship was special. He was special. I remember after Phil broke up with me we met out for drinks. I walked into 16 Bit feeling worthless. Feeling empty. Feeling dead. And he gave me life. We talked about heavy shit that we just couldn't talk to anyone else about. No judgement. I guess this is the reason I feel so responsible. 
March 8, 2016

It's not normal to google someone's name after one unreciprocated text. It's just not. But I knew. I knew it in my heart. I didn't need to scramble after either. I knew the cause. I knew because he'd told me. He didn't tell anyone else, but he told me. And I have to live with that.

I haven't written a memorial post in a while, and this one isn't my best. I guess it's because I'm not sad. I've been crying nonstop since Thursday, but I'm not sad. I mean, I'm sure I will be sad--one day, but right now, I'm just mad. I'm very angry. I didn't even get to go to his service. Maybe I don't deserve the closure of a funeral, and I am willing to accept that too, but it's really fucked up. 

I am so sorry you felt alone, but you were wrong. You were not alone. I pray Yahweh welcomes your soul. I love you Victor, but I am really mad at you. 

Fellow Buckeye. Fellow writer. Fellow Ninja Turtle. I really love you Vic. And I am going to miss you forever. 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Love is a Hard Thing to Find in 2016

Two decades since I wrote those so-true words.
Although I was penning them, I don't think I heard.
And even if I did hear I don't think I had the courage.
To admit my perspective is this reason I couldn't cross that bridge.

But years have come and years have gone.
Tears have dropped and blood's been drawn.
And sweat? Profusely! Although out of order
Wishlist on men has somehow gotten shorter.

The art of settling without hating who I see in the mirror.
The notion of forgiving and admitting to having been a sinner.
A recipe for 33-no kids is what I'm baking.
A destiny for complacency is what I'm contemplating.

So far from that 13-year-old girl who was pregnant with a daughter.
Too deep to pretend to be comfortable wading in shallow water.
Still lost trying to be found so I dropped 16 mean lines.
Ringing true, in 2016 love is still hard to find.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

How To Say It

I know I've taken up your early afternoon, but I wonder if something's there
Why would you stay so long, the brunch is gone--the rain has stopped
And I can't come off sentimental; don't want you to think I care
Pleasantries, but no high moments, your contentment has me shocked
No Luke warm, but it's not the right time to show my feeling are scorching hot
Just keep on catching up and the elephant in the room will be revealed

So, I just started this awkward poem and I just can't get a groove. Production copywriting does that. It drains creativity. I'm a machine. No love. No thought. I hate it. I'd love to write a poem, but I can't. Maybe my mind will be clearer after this vacation. A week of rest. 

I'm trying to figure out how to say I love you. I've said it before, but I don't think I've ever truly meant it. It was convenience and courtesy. It was going off a notion full of lies. You can't take away love, but if you realize you never knew that person to begin with, how could you love him? Anyhow, I am plagued with telling my friend I love him. But this is the thing, I don't even know if we're friends anymore. I don't even know what I mean, if anything at all. 

How do I start the conversation? With a, "Can I be honest?" The funny thing is, I don't even care if the feelings are mutual. I just don't want to leave word unspoken. The again we're in two different time zones. So there's that. 

Monday, March 14, 2016


Some are worth it. Some aren't. We need to pay better attention to where and with whom we're spending our time and energy. Going above and beyond is good in theory, but more times than not it's a waste of time.

Jobs give you a goal, but only award a bonuses to those who take the extra step? That concept is foreign. For free? Nah! Pay me. Business is not one sided. If I am completing a service I am getting paid for it and thumbs up don't count as commission.

I am being a bit scatter brained, but my point is I am done with the portion of my life where I over extend myself for other people. It has always gotten me no where. One way tickets and one sided feelings is bullshit.

People who want to be with you will show you. Things that Yahweh meant for you won't go unproven.

Stepping on egg shells, always wondering, feeling unworthy are not good signs. When something is real and warranted it should come easy. It's not about who called last. It's not about if a text goes unnoticed. Tit for tat is not real life. Either we are or we aren't.

Lately I'm finding myself walking away from long-time friendships without wincing. It's because they don't matter anymore. It's realistic to assume that the one-side friendships I have with people are the same. They've outgrown me and instead of noticing the cold-shoulder I've continued to keep communicating. There comes a time when well enough is left alone.

I met a guy in November. He's incredible and special. Sometimes we sit on the phone for hours. I haven't had conversations like these EVER. He's something out of a dream. Very attractive and very kind. TBH I didn't think there were really men like him out there. He speaks to my soul and he's just so god-damned lovely. Meeting him is one of the best things that's ever happened in my adult life. It's changed my perspective on what I should be expecting and accepting from men. Most importantly, it's made me realize that when Yahweh wants me to have something, I WILL have it.

A few months back I told a Tinder date that I am online because it's hard to meet black men. I live in an all-white neighborhood. My job is lily white and I hang in the Short North. So. Yeah. Then shortly after making that statement I was completely blindsided by this guy in November. Against all odds.

The point is Yahweh is always on time. Don't force life. Don't overextend your self. Just wait and be blessed. I don't know if this guys is for me, but he awakened my heart and for that I'm grateful.

Thursday, February 04, 2016

5 Minutes of Musing

I don't know where you live. I don't know who you are.
All I can promise is I'll love you, but most days I'll take things too far
Temper goes through the roof at the drop of a hat
Say a lot of foolish things that I later wish I could take back
Passion is in abundance and support from me will never lack
You'll never feel like you're flailing because I'll always have your back 
Clean up messes before they're noticed. Cheer you up before you feel depressed
I may not always be up but I'll never lead you left
The reality is most love to see through rose colored lenses, but what you see is what u get
And once things are permanent you'll never experience regret
In no rush to move forward, desperation isn't my game 
Trying to honor my daddy's before I take on your name
Make one for myself. Pride isn't mine but I make those proud 
Who stand by me when no one else stayed around
And I'll stand my ground when I say I have no fears
When he's ready then I'm ready to spend the rest of my years. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Can't Have One Without The Other

It's not the fear if flying, it's the fear of dying.
Leaving the world--unfinished business--and no one's crying 
In reality we need someone who helps us fly; gain new perspective 
Understand even when things seems bad, we have no clue from what we're being protected
And the things we're being subjected only make us stronger
So when we get him, the heart has already grown fonder
But what if we never reach our destination 
What if we miss our chance what if we miss our blessing?
Not sure that's possible but we have to step out on faith 
Hope the air catches our stride like breathes bait
And when turbulence hits it's more like growing pains
A necessary evil to build resistance. Now we see gains
Strange how point of view changes perception
What we think is the end He deems as conception
Troubled waters isn't the object, but the bridge over it is
Dying is fearful, but to fly is to live. 

My thoughts during my flight to the city of angel. 1-6-16