Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Life, Death and Appreciation

As I grow older and wiser I am learning to appreciate simple things about life and the simplest thing death. Death, there is no coming back from that and one will never know his or her last moment on Earth. But life, although more complicated is yet simple. I never knew about the purity of love. I always heard "God is love." And I always knew Yahweh is pure spirit, but I never put the two together. When you love someone it's simple. You can not control it and you can't control love's strength. There is nothing someone can do or say to make love non existent. But caring about someone? That's another beast. Caring is when you love someone and it matters. That love shakes you. I always thought caring came first, but I was wrong. Caring might never come at all. You can have love without caring, but I don't think you can care without loving. This is my opinion. I met someone a while ago who made believe he cared about me then he promptly went on to show me he couldn't care less. There is no thing like being risen on a platform--let's call it a pedestal, only to be dropped. I respect the people who drop you where you stand. It takes a certain kind of evil to build a person up only to let them down. In these last thirty years I have learned to love and appreciate. I never knew how to hate, I am happy to say. My parents taught me respect and somewhere along the way I realized how important these things are in life, death and beyond. This may seem like mindless babbling, but there is a point. If you have had the pleasure to live, love and be loved you're lucky. If you somehow learned to respect your lover you're one of few. If you got to show your lover how much you appreciate them they are lucky. And if somehow in the midst of it all you loved your lover back with the same amount of love? If you did this before death, you truly lived. If you didn't, you only existed. I exist, but I pray I will one day live.

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