Saturday, July 07, 2012

Four Letter Word

My heart is heavy and I'm done. This time was like nothing I've ever imagined. It's crazy how quickly things can end. Without notice. I haven't been writing in this blog a lot lately, but I've been reading my old posts. And it seems for the last 6 years, I haven't had anything new to say. It's the same drama over and over. It saddens me that love is so fluid to some people. The concept has always be so concrete to me. Solid. This time around I was really fooled. I thought we had something special and here it is Saturday and he hasn't responded to my texts since Wednesday. Here I am sending cookies and cards and shit. I was so naive. I believe what I want to hear. And men say what you want to hear. So when does the vicious cycle end? He's cut me deep. I haven't cried this hard on the inside in a long time. Maybe ever. Moments like this have me wondering if I was ever loved. Was I ever cared? I think I'm done with this blog. Maybe it's a bad omen. Maybe I am the bad omen, but I need something to blame it on. I feel so alone all the time. No one cares. No one listens. I am sick of always being the friend to cheer everyone up. Where is my encouragement? Where is my shoulder to lean on? Without him, I feel like nothing.

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