Monday, March 21, 2011

On The Rocks (A Watered Down Poem)

I seem to want him the more I resist it
This leads me to believe I may be addicted
Not even my type but he's got me afflicted
Nothing leading up to this could have predicted...
The ups and downs, highs and lows
Where I use to be closed lipped, now can't keep my mouth closed
But most men like a chase and if you ain't playing hard to get
They're so quick to dismiss you, so quick to reject
But if you play too hard they call you a tease
A medium that's hard to find, but a medium every woman needs

I've never been into game playing, so I can't play the role
Upfront and direct, even at the cost of being alone
And I know the routine of what happens after my feelings are shone.
But one thing I can't seem to condone...
The twists and turns, hills and valleys
The road to redeeming love has only allowed me
I complain sometimes, but with growing there is pain
And I'm trying to understand if the costs are worth the gain
If the man is worth the trouble when he ain't even my type
Or if my addiction is just fueled by the hype?

~for Candlelight aka THE

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