Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Inspired by Lauryn

I had to walk away and close my ears
Because love wouldn't do that; love doesn't bring tears
And when he called I sent him to voicemail even when he blocked to private
Because love doesn't move that way; love doesn't act childish
When friends turned against me and chose his side, I gave them space
Because love isn't like that; love isn't two faced
After a while I forgot about the bad things, and wanted to forgive
Because love always does that; love wants to be friends
Then he crossed the line and found a way back into my heart
Because love always does that, love knows how to play its part
Break up to make up became the story of our relationship
Because love just renews itself; love won't let you split
By the end it was shame on me for giving him a second chance
Just because love is perfect does not mean it will be a perfect romance.

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