Thursday, September 24, 2009


I am starting to think that men and relationship, maybe even friendships at times, are too complicated for me. I feel like I am always putting on a front for someone to like me. I can't remember the last time I was just myself! I bend over backwards to be nice to my ex just to prove that I am not bitter. I hang around girls I think are complete idiots, just to prove that I am have the ability to be cordial with females instead of falling out with them. I date men that I am not even interested in for the sake of having something to do and I am tired of it. The men I like never like me. It's always something. I don't know if they think I'm not good enough, or not pretty enough, or what? They never even give me a chance. I am exhausted. I keep thinking about NYC and how much I hate Columbus. I am miserable here. I just want to go. I always think about how different my life would have been if I hadn't left Cleveland. I am so glad I left there when I did. I hope that a year from now I am saying the same thing about Columbus.

I can not wait to start over. Most people wouldn't go to the city where they don't know anyone, but I prefer it that way. I want to go into a club where no one knows my name. I want to recreate myself without "so-called" friends hating on my self improvement. I want to go to a city where all the men are not self absorbed to the point where they can't recognize a good woman life me.

I'm pretty and intelligent. I have a degree and a drive to be better than what even my mother expects. I am strong and I encourage/push my friends to go to the next level. I am sound in my religion. What more could a man ask for? If nothing else has become so obviously apparent in these last eight years, there is no one in Columbus for me and I can't wait to move on.

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