Saturday, April 18, 2009

Lucky Charms

Do you see my writing improving as type? I do! HA-HA! I've been revising my writing samples for McGraw-Hill all frickin' morning and I am starting to drive myself nuts. Checking grammar, referring to OSU's editorial style guide, and then referring to my business writing handbook is killing me softly. It's just all too much. I can not wait until the day comes when I just know all the rules and styles by heart. The day when this stuff is second nature is the day my happiness begins.

So, now I am taking a break, eating a bowl of Lucky Charms and trying not to spoil my appetite too much because I am taking Talon to First Watch for her birthday breakfast!

My life is so incredibly simple, yet complicated. I never know what's going to go wrong and more importantly I never know what's going to go right. For two weeks, my car has had Tourettes. I finally had it towed up to Midas and the mechanic told me my Catalytic converters are ALL bad? "$4200 worth of work" he said? Yeah right, does that guy think I was born yesterday? All I know is, I paid him $94 for the diagnostic test and somewhere in diagnosing the damn car-he got it to start. So, as far as I am concerned, Yahweh hooked me up and I will not worry about the thing until it won't start up again.

Yahweh always has a way of working things out. I am starting to get to the point where I don't stress myself out with worrying anymore. I just have to keep reminding myself, he creates the solution before he creates the problem. As soon as something starts going wrong, I just wait on it to go right. And when it doesn't go right at my comfort level, I look for the meaning. Men leaving, cars breaking down, and being broke are all symptoms. They are symptoms that Yahweh wants me to open my eyes about something.

Maybe my car broke down for two weeks because I needed to focus on these writing samples. If I had had transportation, I probably would have been out doing things that don't make sense rather than buckling down on my studies. So, now that I do have a car, instead of getting up on this Saturday morning and hitting the stores as they open, I am revising, and revising, and revising some more.

Maybe that's what life is all about, revisions. We need to change our lives for the better in the same way we revise a paper. Revise and revise and revise. And when we're sick of revising, give our eyes a rest, go to sleep, and wake-up the next morning to do it all over again. We'll never be perfect. And even when our family and friends recognize our improvements or just convince themselves that we are perfect all the way around, remember, just as someone writing in a different style will look at a paper and see errors that don't apply, there will always be those who have a different style and will dislike everything about our lives. Instead of catering to them, the people who hate you, continue on your path. Keep revising to fit the style that you're aiming for. One day, your papers will be made of Pulitzer material and your life will be made of happiness.

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