Sunday, April 05, 2009

Don't Worry; Be Happy

With experience comes lessons learned. Though there are many times when one would like to say, "fuck a lesson," it's best to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and move along. That's where I am right now. I can't really say I have any regrets, for I know Yahweh has this all mapped out, but there are so many times when I lose faith, feel down, give up. Instead, now, I am going to consciously keep faith, go hard, and stay determined.

Men come and go, and many of their leaving is accompanied by a sigh of relief. But, when you're an optimistic person like I am, you start to remember the past only fondly. You forget about the tears and only recall the smiles. Then out of no where, you find yourself wanting a dog back. I am learning, that even in the more strenuous situations, there is a breaking point. There is a point when you need to let someone go and stop making a fool of yourself. It's okay to be a sucker for love, it's okay to play the fool, it's okay to let go of pride- when and only when reciprocity is guaranteed. You never realize what you're giving up until you are left empty handed.

I refuse to be left empty handed again. There is no reason in putting stock into something, then when it is time for you to collect the interest- bailing. I'd rather be bailed out than to leave my earnings behind!

Success really is the best revenge. Never call, or text, or e-mail to let someone know how you're doing. Let them wonder how you're doing. And, if they never ask- you never mattered. And if you don't matter, why should they? It's a dog eat dog world and if you aren't FOR SELF, you will get run over. As for me and my house? I am going to switch lanes, I'll even turn off my headlights to lose someone tailing me. I'm going to speed through yellow lights. I'm going to cut people off and never look in my rear view mirror to see if I've caused an accident. On a suspended license, with a blood alcohol level two times the limit, I'm going to side swipe, rear end, broad side- WHATEVER TO GET TO MY DESTINATION! Straight Nascar, I refuse to be second. Whether my journey ends at the gas station reing up for another road trip or on a suicide high speed chase with the cops, I'm going to get there or die trying.

" 'Cause all I do is dress and rest, 'cause love don't live here anymore." ~Jessie Poetic Justice

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