Friday, December 21, 2007


You know that feeling you get in your throat? Everyone has been there... when they've vomited SO much that there is nothing left in your stomach but yellow bile. Bile- you know, the liquid shit (not saliva) that helps break your food down? Well, you know when there is nothing left to vomit but BILE and it burns your throat- and your lips even, when it comes out? Well, that's the only thing I can think of to explain how I feel when I speak her name. I fell like the air I am using to pronounce each vowel and consonant is ACID! I hate her name.

I don't just hate the way it sounds, I hate what it represents- PAIN! No pleasure, just pain. Friendships can have you blind sided. It's the ones closest to you that you have to watch the most. This is life

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