Sunday, January 14, 2007


It's funny that things can happen and for the life of you- you can't figure out why Yahweh would purposed something of the such. Well, I am at the point in life where I am not questioning it as much as I am realizing that maybe I need to focus more to see the bigger picture. There is life after college (or in my case there WILL be), there is definitely life after Nordstrom (though I am not yet comfortable and accustomed to it), and most importantly there is life after heartbreak.

Here recently I have been getting closer to a guy I have known my whole life. I am not certain if it is going anywhere, but it's funny to realize that sometimes people aren't exactly who you thought they were. Everyone has infirmities- some more than others, but one has to step back and consider if it is really worth putting up with another person's flaws? I know that in general I am a person who puts up with damn near everyone's flaws because I have realize that underneath them is something that I could never afford to buy, and something that so many other people are missing out on- yet I am privledged; so I don't mind flaws.

This is my first blog in a while and my writing is a little off wack, so bear with me, I just have so much on my mind today- I will probably be writing in this again later. Anyhow, as I was saying the guy I have been getting to know is having a lot of problems with my flaws. I guess my biggest flaw is the fact that I tend to come off as cold hearted, and in his words "I have a wall up and I am a woman scorned!" The funny thing is, when he went on his little rampage of yelling at me and telling me about myself- inside my head all I could do is agree. I do have a wall up, I am a woman scorned, and the sad thing is- on every level... I don't know how to love anymore.

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