Friday, January 26, 2007


He was with me, it was so real- but I found out it was FAKE because they're together now.
And they are building this life with one another- so I play it off like Tamia and, "Smile".
Because I was under the impression it was he & I, yet somehow I was the other woman.
And I was whisked under the rug before I could even take a stand.
Romance? off the table... cordial? not in my dreams!
Because that nigga is on some dogging shit and could care less about taking the time to redeem.
So, I have to make a decision, like so many other times, do I take this lying down?
Or take it THERE! Make him explain to me why he didn't want me around!
Why couldn't you love me right? Why couldn't you be my friend?
Why couldn't you keep it real from the beginning, I didn't want for you to be my man!
Traveling in and out the country, in and out the state, in and out the city- but you and I are in CO.
What did I do that was SO wrong that I get not act right in the SAME city & have been treated so cold?
I can't call it! But make me understand, I'm NOT mad, I just can't go through his shit again.
I need to know why I am ALWAYS stepping in the wrong direction? What's the unforgivable sin?
I just don't get it, I don't need your compassion- it's worthless to me, but I do need to know the real.
How did I turn you into this man that shuns me, why is it hate you feel?
No matter where I am it's the same, CO, EC, ATL, the Land...
I know I am hitting "you" with too many questions, but just please make me understand!

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