Friday, August 17, 2007


Between the "Honesty Box" on facebook, and real live e-mail from ex-friends, I am finding that people have a lot of fucked up opinions about me . I can't quite say that I give a damn, but it's interesting to know. I have some men sending me poetry in my honesty box, while others are saying, "you have a foul ass attitude." Okay, what am I supposed to say to that? Sorry? How about, HELL NO!I love my attitude. Most times it's misunderstood, but that's just fine by me! If someone isn't willing to find out why I have an attitude, or if I am just joking or being serious- then FUCK EM'.... Fuck em' girl, fuck em', fuck em' girl, fuck em (spoken in Martin Lawrence's voice, lol)

So, I fell out with an acquaintance. Well, let me not even call it a fall out, I made a conscious decision to stop hanging around the bitch and she got mad. So she then basically has her friend write in my honesty box. Number one I have only met her friend two times, and numbers two the fat bitch doesn't know shit about me! She writes me talking so much shit about how I am not living right- about how I am unhappy, angry and bitter- about how God does not love me- just basically talking a whole lot of bull shit. The whole time I was reading what she had to say about me I was thinking, "you're nothing but one of the fat unhappy girls who eats ice cream next to a box of Kleenex every Friday night. Sheesh! You have a bastard who's father won't even drive in state to see him, GOSH! You have a boyfriends who steals your car and beats the fuck out of you!" Quite honestly the GIRL is in no position to judge my life at all!!!

Then the ex-friend in question decides to write me like a four page e-mail tonight. Again, I ask- why are you bitches even contacting me. I am the one who is hateful. I am the one who God dislike. I am the one who is "uber angry, bitter and unhappy" yet you bitches are the ones who continue to write me e-mails day in and day out? Something is wrong with this picture. It seems that maybe they are the ones who are jealous of me- and all these "opinions" are- are diversions from the truth. The truth is that these bitches have nothing better to do with their damned time then write me e-mails and try to make me feel insecure about my own life.

It's hilarious when people try to take weaknesses that the THINK you have to make your feel bad about yourself. The fact that I am cute, I can dress, I have a great job and I am not a hoe- did not make it easy for these losers to come up with some dirt on me- but the only thing they had to fall back on is the fact that I am 24 with NO DEGREE, lol. Day in and day out for the last 3 days that is all they keep bringing up. That they are 23 with A degree and I am 24 and haven't completed mines. I guess in doing this they thought they would get under my skin, but little do they know that I could NOT give a damn about having my degree right now! I am more focused in staying at Delphi so they can play my students loans off with this bonus. After I am debt free, I will enter in the tuition assistance program and let them pay for my senior year. Then what will these inferior bitches have to say? While the one is living back in Maryland with her strict parent because her CVS job can't pay the bills and the other is trying to supposed her bastard, I will be living it up properly. Ok... Erin interrupted me & now that we're finished talking- I am tired and it's time for beddy bye!

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