Thursday, August 30, 2007

If You Had TWENTY FOUR Hours To Live....

"If you had 24 hours to live, just think- where would you go, what would you do, who would you screw, and who would you wanna notify? Or would your ass deny that yo ass about to die?

Man Puff, I mean Diddy, that IS some deep shit. If you had 24 hours to live and you knew- what would you do? Man, it's crazy, but more than anything I would just try to prepare my close loved ones. Lol, I would do laundry, sort through old mail and papers, erase files on my computer that are less than sanitary, and get rid of any baggage that would be bring pain to my family. You see most people who go tell that ONE person how much they really loved them, or go hit up the ONE person who played the shit out of them, but me- I would play it differently. That would be a waste of time, because in the end- the person you loved for so long would only feel guilt and the person you just killed that you hated so much would send you to HELL for murder- and meet you there and that would be their satisfaction... because not only did they hurt you in your present life, but they ruined your after life too. I guess what I am saying is, that if I knew I was going to die tomorrow- I would just let shit go and pay most attention to the people who love me and are going to suffer the most because of my death.

My biggest regret would not be never graduating, but never finishing my novel. I would hate to know that the world is going to go on with out knowing this explosive story I have in my head. I guess that is damn near my ONLY regret because I never really went through life saying, I wish I would have said, or I should have just said.... majorly everything I ever wanted to say- I did. I guess I can thank my lack of tact for that one, but it caused me drama, but also allowed me to be free. When you always have things on your mind... times in space that you can't get back and you wish you would have said what you really think- that can eat you alive.

But on some REAL, if I really did have 24 hours to live, I would go buy some Christian Louboutins, go out to eat with my immediate family plus Ethan and Derrick.... Watch Sex and The City episode "Change Of A Dress," Menace To Society... Write a poem... and be praising Yahweh all the while.

Los Angeles, California- My Mecca, Praise my father, Charge It To The Game, Big Time and NO!

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