Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Fact Remains

The things that are best for us usually don't go down easily & aren't sweet to the tongue. It takes effort. It takes patience. And it takes faith. As I enter this next chapter of my life, I know that I can't force anything. No thing that was meant to be has ever gone undone.

All I can continue to do is love. My family, friends and acquaintances deserve my best. I deserve the best of myself.

I'm on a journey to cleanse and improve my inner & outer beauty. I started Weight Watchers two weeks ago. So far I've lost 6 lbs of the 35 I intend to shed. I realize that my body will never be what it was when I was 18,  but I miss the confidence when looking in the mirror.

I have an appointment with a dermatologist in two weeks. I hope to get my skin back in order as well.

No one is going to love what I can't love about myself. I will not be one of those self conscious women who spend the majority of their time complaining and being unhappy. I choose to live.

I'm not sure what's going to happen. I hope to move into my career by June--something in my field that makes me happy or atleast contributes to my level of experience. I also can't wait for the privacy of single living, either. I have a lot a plans and I just want to change for the better...because I know the after taste will be rewarding.

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