Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Aimless Babbling, Free Verse, The Good Angel

He's with her and he isn't in love, so it's all a waste.
I can't even take the effort to wish to be in her place.
We talk everyday, but it's more like our souls are inter-coursing.
And I want to bad mouth her so much, but it's not worth forcing.
Because done is already destined. Leave well enough alone.
And really how much can be done over the phone?
Full promises with out the means.
No empty lies but selling dreams.
But if it's not going to come to be,
What's the difference in between.
I know he's on my right side, but what else is left
unsaid. And what makes him different from the rest?
He's says I'm going in the wrong direction, so I turn around
Now that I'm headed North, he wants me to be down?
I can't lose for winning, but I can win and still lose.
If I ain't getting the one I want, what's the point to choose.
Something that started over a decade ago, could it come to fruition.
I don't know, but that's mainly because it's not my decision.
I love him and I have no doubt he loves me.
But that makes no difference anymore because we are no longer 13.
They say that's unlucky, so what do I think of this.
I can presume that what we have will cease to exist.
I shoot from the hip, so I'm the bad guy. He is rehearsed, so he's politically correct.
But why is it that a well thought out lie gets more respect?
It's that spoon full of sugar, but I am about taking it straight.
I guess that's why so many men just can't relate.
But he is eye to eye with me in my mind and my soul.
And although we try to get away from each other, we just can't let go.

for: Cash MONEY Baller

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