Friday, February 27, 2009


"When I think about it, I know that I was never there, or even cared.
The more I think about it, the less that I was able to share- with you.
I try to reach you- I, can almost feel you, you're nearly hear... and then
You disappear...

I missed ALL THE SIGNS, one at a time- you were ready." Beyonce Disappear

I love this song, but every time I listen to it- it makes me think of him. By the time the chorus drops, I am in tears. It never fails, especially on nights like this when I've already been drinking. Songs are so ironic. Sometimes they're so vague that it seems that anyone within ear shot could relate. But every once in a while, there comes along a song like this one that makes me think Beyonce's writers are sitting on a stool sitting inside my mind.

Every time I think about our relationship, I see soooo clearly that he never gave a fuck about me. I think about how much I was going through back then (which is still to blame for my unhappiness now) and I think about nights I spent crying myself to sleep. Now, when cry myself to sleep, I wish I had a friend or a boyfriend to vent to, but even when I did- I never told him shit. I couldn't trust him enough to tell him anything.

I could put this song on repeat and never tire of it. Word for word, the story of my life... or my relationships at least.

"And she claim she only with me for the currency. YOU CUT ME DEEP BITCH, CUT ME LIKE A SURGERY!" ~Kanye West Bitter Sweet

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ready For The World

I'm bored with transition. I just want to graduate, get a decent job, find a man who I adore and in turn sincerely loves me and be happy. I don't need to be rich. I don't HAVE to go to grad or law school. I don't even prefer a man who is drop dead gorgeous & fit. I just want a respectable nice looking young man who is confident and inspiring.

I have been through a lot in life, much of which I have not included in this blog, but I realize that the major events of my life have yet to come. I haven't yet graduated. I haven't yet been married. I haven't yet had a child. I haven't yet become aware of the spirit. Only two of the four have been promised to me, but I can't help but feel optimistic about the other two as if they had been promised to me as well. That sad truth is, I am so impatient that I'd rather suffer than wait on the good things that are sure to come to me...

Rather than wait on a good man, I continue to waste my time and worth with men who are beneath me! Drug dealers, cheaters, dogs and such are the types of men I should be steering clear of. These are the exact types of people who will end up ruining my life. I must admit that I am quite lucky that I haven't gotten caught up yet! I am not ungrateful though- I do have enough sense to count my blessings. Though I am deeply in like (maybe even love) with Alias, he continues to shake me off. I guess he's just not that into me, lol. But honestly, I hope that he strings me along just long enough for me to get the hell out of Ohio.

It's funny, that EVEN knowing all this, if given the chance I would bow at that man's feet. But in reality I know that he is just a distraction. Yahweh created our relationship, he made me fall, he made me want this man with so much passion so that I can don't think of any other man. Yahweh set it up so that he is in Cleveland and I am stuck here. He set it up for Alias not to realize what a great woman I am. I truly believe he did all of this so that during these next six months I will be too preoccupied to get in trouble with any OTHER men. If that isn't the reason for Alias and I, I am not sooner convinced that I am Caucasian.

Either way, I just am ready for my life to make some major turns. I just want to make someone happy. I just want to be happy.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thank Yahweh for March 18, 1974

Death by fire is my worse fear, setting Yahweh aside,
But I'd walk through fire if ever you were on the other side.
I just want to lay close to you, bury my face in your chest,
Feel the pressure of your chin on the top my head- the mist from your breathe.
Have your snoring wake me up in the middle of the night from that real deep sleep,
So I can turn over and watch you dreaming right beside me.
Because I can keep my eyes open and as long as you're there it's still a dream.
Words can not express just how much you mean...
Words can not express how deep I am, that's why I never say, "I love you."
Those words do no justice for what I feel for you.
Everything I say is so sincere, ask the Bailiff if I've been sworn,
Even if it ends bless the day I met you- bless the day you were born.


Monday, February 02, 2009

Too Much On My Mind

A lot has gone down in this last month. Everything is on the up and up, or atleast that is the way I like to view things. I finally got my computer fixed and high speed internet for the first time in history... so hopefully I will be able to start writing in the blog with the frequency that I did 2-3 years ago.

I am starting to buckle down on what is important in life. I need to stay out of the club and limit my drinking- if not eliminate it all together. My eating habits are better now a days, but I definitely need to impliment a work out plan ASAP.

Where relationship are involved I am on the fence. I don't know whether I should run or stay for awhile. Alias is Alias as usual. Unfortunately, nothing has changed there. I know what I need to do; I need to move on. Then there is The Forgiver, I don't know what to say about him. One day we're up the next day we're down. I either need stability, or I need to move on from both of these men. I am really considering Grad. School & if I got through with it, I can not be distracted by the trivial games men tend to play. Lindsay is all work no play. I am needing to grab an internship, a job and a plan for my future.

I may never find a real relation, get married or even fall in love. I may never have babies. I am starting to realize the things that I looked forward to are not promised and the way my life is going I will not be able to depend on them happening, so I have to depend on something else; myself. There is probably never going to be a financially stable man to couple with me and make me a better woman. Most men are equally paper chasers/ gold diggers as women are now-a-days so I have to concluded that I must prepare myself for buying a home, a car and paying off these student loans by the time I am 30. I am going to have to make sure I do what is right now, while I am 25, to prepare myself for my future. Many times- I can not even even count on a man to send me a pic on the phone!