Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Limbo. Stunted. Writer-blocked.

For a long time my heart was very cold. It seemed like at every turn love was unrequited. So, in efforts to protect myself, I shot from the hip. It became a game of diss him before he disses me. Always on the defense. I spent too long a time with men who thought they were better than me. And now, I met someone who is truly too good for me, but he never viewed our relationship in that way. And of course I messed it up.

For the first time ever I realized how insecure I am when it comes to men. This makes me sad.

The thing is, we all want perfection. We all want to be happy. But what's the perfect opportunity worth if one  isn't ready to take advantage of it?

The first time we ever talked, he told me he loses interest in women fastly. How ironic it is that I'm the loss interest. I never thought I'd have feelings for him. Never even thought I'd be attracted. Now I am trying to find a way back into his good graces. Instead, I'll likely move on...

They say there is no worse feeling than loving someone who use to love you.

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