Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Sitting Here Thinking

Ice VIP 8-31-08

I have absolutely nothing to do. I guess that means that I should be writing, but I have no inspiration. School has been out for two weeks and I have a little over 3 weeks before autumn quarter starts, but I've been super idle. Well, I have picked up a few books. Just last week I read "Leslie," "Sweet St. Louis," (which made me think of Bradley) and "The Last Street Novel." But I am still super bored (no offense to Mr. Tyree).

Upside down at Ice 8-31-08

I went out a couple of time this last weekend. The first night was a bust, but the second night was eventful. I have been pursuing this guy I've seen out over the last year or so. I always thought he was nice looks and he seems to be my type, but I never thought to ask him out. Anyhow, Sala and I went to Bon Vie a few weeks ago and after we finished eating, we did a little window shopping around Easton. When we came out of Aldo, I saw him. I immediately told her to peep him and he smiled at us as we walked past one another. Sala then told me that I should ask for his number if we ran into him again while in the mall- which of course we did... but I punked. From that night I decided that I wasn't going to go out until First Fridays this coming weekend because I knew he was going to be there. I didn't stick to my word because there were a ton of White Parties going on for Labor Day and you know how I feel about wearing white. I went to Cove Saturday (though Sala and I never made it in) and Ice & Cove... I mean ICON on Saturday. Sunday night went pretty good because AJ let Allaina and I skip the line at Ice but once we got inside we were damn near the only ones there. We asked if we could come back and went to Icon. When we got to Icon my Samuel happened to be sitting outside and he let us in for free. We stayed there shortly and went back to Ice.

In my apt. 8-30-08

I saw quite a few Delphi-ites at Ice. Darry (whom I actually spoke to AND hugged, lol), along with Trent, Daniel and EVEN Quanus. Allaina and I sneaked into the CLOSED front VIP section so that we could take some pretty pics. After an hour of sheer boredom we went decided to hit Icon again. This time it wasn't so easy getting back in b/c Sam left and Wali was no where to be found... but the ever so friendly bouncers let us back in after we chatter for 5 minutes or so. As soon as I walked in I saw him.

Allaina & I Ice VIP 8-31-08

After shenaniganning around for about 30 mins I finally mustered up the guts to approach him. I introduced myself and was about 2 questions in (his name is Shawn and he is 30) when I realized he had a slight accent, so I asked where he is from. He immediately put up his fist and said, "The mother land..." but I think he then read the disgust on my face. I know it is really wrong and racist, but anyone who knows me well know I don't fuck with the Africans. I was so fricking disappointed. Weeks of swooning over this guys went down the drain in vain in 30 seconds flat. I did get his number just for shits and giggles (as Reese would say), but I am not sure what I am going to do.

Mister Nice Guy & I walking outside of Icon

Last night I finally talked to Sala last night and told her how I FINALLY saw her... but then I had to break the news to her. When I said, he is African the pitch of her laughter almost deafened me! We both share the same views on African men (after crazy experiences), but she told me I should give it a chance.

Under the pic I painted

So, now that I am sitting in my apartment alone I am starting to think, why am I passing up (what could be) a good man because of where his mother birthed him? So... maybe I will give it a try and call him a little later... you never know.