Sunday, November 18, 2007

Are My Illusions Turning Into Delusions?

Ok, so I think it was Andre 3000 who recently said, "If You Say Real Talk I Probably Wont Trust Ya ." Now all of a sudden, when I say, "Real talk" to Boston he starts this whole uproar about how someone who says real talk, don't mean shit to him. So, what are you saying really? It sounds to me that you are saying what I have to say doesn't mean shit to you because it was prefaced by the infamous, "real talk." Could it be that maybe the real talk is, you don't have a mind of your own. Were you making these same uproars before Andre 3000 dropped that verse, or are you like the rest of the "band" waggon jumpers?

My girl Sorinna once made a joke about Jay- Z. She said that now since Jay is dressing preppy and getting his, "grown man on" all of a sudden niggas are stepping their game up too. It's like, Jay- Z is God. Anything he does and says, niggas follow. She then made the comment that when Jay decides to marry Beyonce', there is going to be a lot of shot gun weddings that follow- kind of like the Baby Boom, Jay- Z is going to start a movement/ era. It is a bit sickening that men do not have a mind of their own!

I now have another saying("real talk") that I can not use in basic conversation with NIGGAS (and when I say niggas, I don't mean that in a nice way). It's a shame, that I cannot be judged on my past behavior. I have never lied to you, I have never mislead you- but because you follow the religious doctrine of Hip- Hop stars you are basically calling me a liar and disrespecting me?

Lindsay was using the term Ludacris way before if referred to a lyricist. I was greeting people with Shalom well before it referred to a super model. I liked rainbows and colors entirely before it became perverted by the gay community. So, should I all of a sudden alter my likes because of what someone else thinks, says or applies? I think not!

It's one thing for the deception to be there, it's another thing to believe the deception presented to you. Ludicrous still means crazy, Shalom still means peace, rainbows still mean comfort at the end of the storm- and when I say, "real talk," I mean REAL TALK!!!